This is the first time I host Gene Genie since January. Gene Genie is the blog carnival of clinical genetics and personalized medicine. Enjoy the numerous posts and articles focusing on these interesting fields of medicine.
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Many thanks to Ricardo Vidal for the logo!
Gene – Phenotype:
Walter Jessen at Highlight HEALTH had a great post, Neurofibromatosis: From Genes to Complications to Treatments.
On Science Blog, you can read more about women’s genes and alcoholism.
Daniel MacArthur at Genetic Future presented the adventure gene.
Steve Murphy, our Gene Sherpa, informed us about a new gene in atrial fibrillation.
Rebecca Taylor at Mary Meets Dolly talked about a lesson in genetic testing: the I148T mutation.
Rett Syndrome was on Fox Show.
saidYann Klimentidis analyzed some skin cancer and pigmentation genetic variants.
Chavonne Jones at Human Genetics Disorders posted an article and a video about Marfan Syndrome.
Genetic Testing:
Aaron Rowe at Wired listed 10 reasons why regulators should not hinder genetic testing.
The DNA Testing Blog talked about DNA testing for members of the military.
Personalized Medicine:
Jason Bobe at The Personal Genome shared the Wired article of Thomas Goetz with us.
Andrew Yates at Think Gene reviewed the deCODEme Genome Browser.
A Forum for Improving Drug Safety featured genetic influence in antidepressant effectiveness.
At Genetic Future, you can read more about the challenges of psychiatric genetics.
Yann Klimentidis analyzed structure-informative SNPs among European Americans.
Deepak Singh at BBGM said thinks your SNPs are your information.
The question at Genomeboy is to sink or to swim.
Dr. Eric Topol introduces the Genomic Medicine Resource Center with a discussion of personal genomics.
Wikis and Else:
Larry Moran at Sandwalk presented a Gene Wiki. Check the comments out as well.
According to Wired, Genes Don’t Explain African AIDS Epidemic.
Evolgen tried to help us answer the question, how many genes we share with our twentieth cousin.
The 35th issue of Gene Genie will be hosted on the 3rd of August. Don’t forget to submit your articles via the official page.
And also check the Gene Genie official blog out! If you’d like to host an edition, don’t hesitate to contact me at berci.mesko [at]
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